
If you're having issues with a different Yandex service, check the Yandex support section for answers. If you're having issues with the website you translated, contact the website owner.

Click to write us in the chat .

You can also contact us through the feedback form. Select a topic from the list:

Translating a text

If you didn't find the answer in the Translating text section, describe the problem in the form below: What is the issue? What language are you translating to and from? Copy the text that was translated incorrectly.

Automatic language detection

If the language you translate the text from is not detected, describe the problem in detail in the form below and attach a screenshot demonstrating that the language was detected incorrectly.

Translating websites

The service only translates public pages that don't require users to sign in (enter a login and password).

If a page is publicly available but you are still having trouble translating it, tell us about the problem and provide any additional information you have in the feedback form below.

Image translation

If you didn't find the answer to your question in the Translating text in images section, please describe the problem in as much detail as possible in the form below and attach the image that you tried to translate the text in.

Document translation

If you didn't find the answer to your question in the Translating documents section, please describe the problem in as much detail as possible in the form below and attach a screenshot.

Voice input or text-to-speech

If you didn't find an answer to your question about voice input or text-to-speech, please describe your problem in as much detail as possible in the form below.

Questions about the bot

If you didn't find the answer to your question in the Telegram bot section, please describe the problem in the form below.


You can send us your suggestions on how to make Yandex Translate better, like adding a new language, or introducing phonetic transcription or text-to-speech for an existing language.

Other issues

If you didn't find the answer to your question, describe the problem in detail in the form below and attach a screenshot.

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